Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you know a real good and strong hair straightener cream?

something with vitamins and very effectiveDo you know a real good and strong hair straightener cream?
all hair straightener creams, with or without vitamins, will wreak a certain amount of damage to your hair. go for a hair treatment mask after you straighten it.

i've tried 'wella' hair straightening cream. works best with a flat iron (for longer result), otherwise, it's still pretty strong by itself.Do you know a real good and strong hair straightener cream?
bion japanese hair straightener hand cream
garnier fructice
You may want to try coconut oil. Apply a little bit of it before your straighten your hair, especially at the ends. The heat will melt the coconut oil and create a nice sheen. The coconut oil also keeps moisture out of your hair so it doesn't frizz when you're in a humid environment. ALso prevents tangles.

Coconut oil comes in a jar with a lip balm consistency. This is one of the best items to use in the name of beauty.
olive oil

dont apply cream
  • revlon india
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